In this blog we are going to address the 7 most common running injuries. Many fitness enthusiasts have their exercise routine and diet down to a science, but they are overlooking one key factor that actually has a huge impact on your results and progress. Fascia is the body’s connective tissue that envelops and permeates your entire body and ensuring that it is in its healthy, pliable state is essential for all systems of the body to work together optimally and in unison. Treating you fascia with the FasciaBlaster® will restore the fascia and release any adhesions that may have formed, allowing sufficient nutrients and nerve signal. For more on how fascia can affect your appearance and performance, read this article:
A friendly reminder: The FasciaBlaster is a Class 1 medical device. Claims and results are based on anecdotal evidence and have not been reviewed by the US Food and Drug Administration.
Intro to the Top 7 Running Injuries cellulite arme
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